Marshall King

Climber Spotlight // Marshall King

Hometown: Olney, IL

Currently: Bloomington, IL

Status: Single

Profession: Routesetter/Coach

Home gym: Upper Limits, Urbana Boulders, and the Woody!

Preferred type of climbing: Trad! The wider the better! 

Fav place: Jackson Falls, Southern Illinois 

Fav food: Chips and salsa

Fav beverage: grandma's homemade lemonade

How long you been climbing: 6/7 years

Why do you climb: I climb because it's fun! The feeling you get when you think your stuck in an offwidth crack is what keeps me climbing.

Band: Spoon

Music: classic rock/alternative

Other hobbies: slacklining, camping, skiing/snowboarding, and skipping rocks on water. 

Other stuff: (words To live by) "The best climber is the one who is having the most fun." I'm always the best climber.

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